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How are QuietGrowth fees calculated?

Each month you are charged QuietGrowth fee equal to the sum of QuietGrowth fee incurred for each day of that month. QuietGrowth fee incurred for each day is equal to 1/365 (or 1/366 on a leap year) of the annual QuietGrowth fee rate multiplied by the portfolio value as of close of markets for that day.

Also, refer to the Fee Calculator tool on the Pricing page, as it might be useful to you.


Shirley has a QuietGrowth portfolio. Let's assume that Shirley's end-of-the-day portfolio value on April 3rd is $110,000. QuietGrowth fee rate per year is 0.5% for $110,000 portfolio value.

Therefore, Shirley's QuietGrowth fee for April 3rd equals: (0.5% / 365) * (portfolio value) = (0.5% / 365) * $110,000 = $1.50684932.

Similarly, let's assume that the end-of-the-day portfolio value on April 4th is $112,000. Shirley's QuietGrowth fee for April 4th equals: (0.5% / 365) * $112,000 = $1.53424658.

In this way, QuietGrowth fee incurred for each day in the month is calculated. QuietGrowth fee for the April month is deducted from Shirley's cash account in May, the following month.

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