Why QuietGrowth

QuietGrowth is a digital investment management service. We manage the investments of clients to achieve risk-optimised returns over the long-term. We are an MDA robo adviser.

QuietGrowth provides personalised investment advice to the client and manages the funds that the firm invests on behalf of the client.

Solve Your Pain Point
How we solve your pain point

We offer online what a high-quality wealth manager offers for long-term investing. Moreover, our service is available to those who do not have access to a high-quality wealth manager due to insufficient investible money. And we do it for a low QuietGrowth fee.

QuietGrowth solves your need for a high-quality and trustful investment adviser and investment manager. We are a financial advisor, and our service is referred to as robo advice or digital advice. The securities are held under the client's own individual Holder Identification Number (HIN). We support individual, joint, SMSF, trust, and company account types.

Manage Money
How we manage your money

We offer customised and diversified portfolios to the client. After knowing the risk profile of the client by asking a few questions, we suggest and facilitate investing in a global portfolio of ETFs. We create a Managed Discretionary Account (MDA) for the client.

Read our investment methodology for more information.